5 Reasons Listicles are Effective
What a strange word – listicle. A listicle is exactly what it sound like, a list that’s an article. An article in list form. This post you’re reading is a listicle… about listicles. These types of posts and articles are extremely effective online. While there are many reasons they work, these are our top 5 reasons listicles are effective.

They’re Scannable
Listicles are extremely easy for the reader to scan. This post for example, numbers 1 through 5, each numbered item is obvious. A reader doesn’t need to read every word to know which 5 reasons listicles are effective this is about. If one pops out or is extra interesting, the reader can slow down for that one item, then speed up and scan again when finished reading it. About 43% of users skim blog posts (HubSpot).
Simple Format
These types of articles have a very simple format. If someone has to step away from reading and come back, it’s easy to remember which number to start back on. Lists are just easy to read, easy to understand, and don’t take much time or effort on the part of the reader.
Expectations are set
Not only are expectations set, they’re obvious right there in the title. When someone reads the title of a listicle, it clearly gives a number of items that will be discussed. This can help a reader determine whether or not to take a look. For example, if this article title was 30 reasons instead of 5 reasons, the odds are slim many people would read it. Thirty is a bit much for why listicles are effective.
However, some lists may need more items to be truly effective. This is something that will change from one listicle to the next.
Allow for quick learning
As mentioned under simple format, listicles are easy to read. This offers the opportunity for readers to learn a few things very quickly. From the title of the listicle, the reader knows what will be learned, and about how long it will take.
Offer a chance to engage
Listicles are really easy pieces for readers to engage with. Agree with the list, disagree with it, think it’s interesting or silly… people will send a quick read to their friends and share it. List format is fantastic for sharing on social media. The fact is, people just love sharing lists (myself included when I find a good one).
The takeaway?
You bet! Listicles are quick and easy reads and super effective. Give writing one a shot.
Happy Listing!