Writing on a Topic You Know Nothing About Part 1 – Familiarize

Writing on a Topic You Know Nothing About Part 1

Familiarize Yourself with the Topic

As you research your topic and become more familiar with it, it’s a great idea to bookmark websites or take note of any information you find that you might want to use later. Remember, when writing an article, you need to site your sources. So keep the info in one place as you go through the process to make things easier on yourself later.

Conduct Quick Industry Research

Writing about a topic is difficult to do if you don’t know much about the industry. Conducting some quick research about the industry for which you’re writing is a great way to get an idea of how to start writing your article. 

Find Competitors

Pretty much everyone knows at least a little bit of information about tons of different things. If you’re writing about a topic or product you know nothing about, find some competing products or similar topics. Chances are, you can use what you know about something else to fill in gaps and assist you in writing about this new topic/product.

Use YouTube

YouTube is awesome. Plain and simple. There is such an enormous amount of content on YouTube, it’s astounding. According to Statista, more than 500 hours of video were uploaded to YouTube every minute as of May 2019. With all that content out there, you’re bound to find something that can help you get a better understanding of your topic. 

Moving Along

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with your topic and have a few links handy, it’s time to really start gathering info. The links found during the familiarization process are most likely not the links you’ll end up using in the final article. This is because most preliminary research doesn’t get down to the heart of the topic. Your final article needs to have links that truly make sense (learn how to use links effectively).

So where do we find the “right” information? Check out part 2, Research, today. 

Happy Familiarizing!
