Writing Online Content Part 2 – Importance of Editing

Writing Content Part 2 – The Importance of Editing

Typos and grammatical errors can be a turn off to your intended audience. And while blog posts are often pretty relaxed and informal, they still need to be well written. This is where editing comes in. The importance of editing should not be overlooked when going through the writing process. Well-written content is fantastic. This is true both for gaining an initial audience, and keeping those readers coming back. 

Editing the easy way

Acronyms are awesome. Much like PEMDAS for math (or GEMDAS depending on your age), there’s an acronym for editing. CUPS is the most simple of all the editing acronyms and it really works. CUPS stands for capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling. (Many people lump grammar in with spelling too.)

Each element of CUPS is important. while it may be k 2 text ur bud like this with no punctuation or capitalization and lots of aabreviations or tipos this dont vibe with working ur way 2 becoming an authoritative and trusted source on the internets 

C – Capitalization

While it may seem obvious, capitalization can be missed. Using a program like Word or Pages can help make sure all sentences are capitalized. It can also make the editing process much quicker overall.

U – Usage

Are nouns and verbs in sentences being used properly? Make sure all nouns and verbs match up when writing. A singular noun requires a singular verb. A plural noun requires a plural verb. Noun and verb agreement is important to ensure your writing makes sense.

P – Punctuation

This includes periods, commas, apostrophes, and any other punctuation marks you can think of. One item that often comes up when discussing punctuation is the Oxford comma.

First, what is it? The Oxford comma is that last comma in a series of items. Example: My salad will have lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, and cheese in it. That comma before the “and” is the Oxford comma.

Is it necessary? The answer, in general, is no. However, if a list of items in one sentence gets too long or has quite a bit of other information added after the list, it may be needed for clarity.

Why bring this up if it could go either way? Consistency. Use the Oxford comma or don’t, but definitely avoiding flip-flopping between the two in one piece of writing.

S – Spelling

Grammar is often lumped into spelling. Using something like Microsoft Word or Pages was mentioned earlier, These programs are great for spelling and grammar checks too. Misspelled words and grammatical errors can have an effect on the understandability and flow of your writing. Taking the time to make sure everything is spelled correctly and sentences are grammatically correct can make a huge difference.

The benefits of editing

Finally, the benefits! People enjoy reading things that are written well. Good writing also probably makes it more likely they will come back and read more down the road. Aim to write things that are understandable, make sense, and have few errors. A post that’s riddled with mistakes can be rather off-putting and doesn’t put off authoritative vibes.

Do not overlook the importance of editing. Take the time to properly edit the things you’re writing. Look for capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling/grammar. Your readers will appreciate it!

Once editing is complete, it’s time for the final stage – Revising & Finalizing!

Happy Editing!