Training & Materials
Customized for your business and your site!
Ready to take control of your website?
Taking control of your own website is such an important step in the overall process of starting a new site or refreshing an old one. With training and materials customized just for you, we can help make this step easy!
Updates can’t always wait for someone else to become available and find the time…
Why wait? we can teach you to do it yourself!
With our comprehensive training classes and customized step-by-step training materials and guides, learning to modify your WordPress site is fun and easy!
We offer online training and materials for YOUR website!
What’s this training all about?
Depending on your needs and budget, we provide the following training options:
- Online class – we log into your website and walk your people through how it works, what the plugins do, how to add, edit, modify, and set aside time throughout and at the end for Q&A
- Customized user materials – this includes step-by-step instructions for how to do different things within WordPress, including using any plugins currently installed and activated
- Follow on assistance – after taking our training class, we offer follow on assistance to include screen share meetings if you run into issues and need our help walking through them
Sounds great, but what if I still need help?
No worries! We offer a variety of options when it comes to helping with your website. Continued maintenance (core and plugin updates) is offered. We can also help with a refresh and updates before conducting training and passing it off to your team, setting everyone up for success!
Are you ready to take control?
If you’re ready to take full control of your website, learn how to update and maintain it yourself, we are here to help you! Contact us today to discuss your training needs!